Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation Xers (1965-1979), Millennials (1980-1995) and Generation Edgers or Z (1996-2010) are working together under the roof of your organization.

In 2015 alone, approximately 44,000 articles featuring Millennials graced the digital newsstands, partly because they are a massive generation which will make up 75% of the total workforce by 2025. Here’s a simple question: are you adapting your organizational behaviour to Millennials or are you neglecting the challenge of their integration?

We are passionate about this.

Workplaces that foster strong relationships among employees have far higher engagement rates than those that don't. This is especially true for Millennials, since they are hyperconnected and often neglect real interactions.


Millennials expect a tailored experience: they want to feel their career path has been created specifically for them. Personalize their development plans as much as possible. 


Studies show that Millennials are happiest and most engaged at work when they have a strong common sense of purpose and feel that they are making a difference.


Millennials work best in groups, not in a hierarchy, and they need to be empowered. They prefer to be coached and mentored rather than directly supervised.